Saturday, October 1, 2011

Could NBA players put together a 5 on 5 and sell it to pay per view during the NBA lockout?

Let's say Kobe, Lebron, D-Wade, Dwight Howard, and 6 other NBA players decided to make their own money during the lockout and signed with pay per view to put on a game for the fans. Would they have the right to do this, since the lockout is forcing them to be broke for a while. Cause I think this would be dope personally, especially if you got Pippen and Clyde Drexler to suit up too, and play with them.|||not sure but i know kevin durant contacted the game (yes 50 cents old buddy) about playing in a game in his league|||During a "lockout" players and coaches all cannot communicate. So it'd be pretty much illegal.

The Lockout won't happen though. Trust me.|||Guy above me ^^^ the lockout is happening dude, right now|||Naw man

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