Sunday, September 18, 2011

Why is the NBA season during the winter?

Isn't basketball a summer sport? So why does the NBA have their season during the winter months? Hockey is a cold weather sport so it is played in the winter, football is played in the fall to experience the warm and cold weather and baseball is a summer sport played in the summer.

Does my logic make sense to anybody else?|||You must live somewhere warm. Maybe because all of us east coasters are miserable during the winter months and basketball is the one thing I look forward to during the week. It gives me something to watch and keeps me entertained on those cold winter nights. People are more likely to sit in their house in the winter and watch the games. Summer nights people can go out and enjoy the weather. That might have nothing to do with the real reason, but that is my rational. Also, basketball players do have a spoiled lifestyle, and they get the summer months off if you think about it. They probably don't want the winter months off - they get the summer off.|||not as many people would go probly.... its hot and sticky and peeps are bussy in summertime right?|||Your point isn't logic.

Basketball is in an arena so The cold isn't a factor.|||There is more focus on basketball during the fall, winter and spring than other months to keep people interested in games and/or come to the arenas. Baseball is winding down when basketball season starts, and hockey is a non-factor ratings and attendance-wise. Football is in mid-season, and the only competition for tv ratings that basketball has.|||It was probably an economic decision originally.

Pro basketball started to pick up steam in the 30s and 40s, and the NBA was formed in the late 1940s.

At that time, it probably made more sense to not try to compete directly with baseball, which is indeed a summer sport.

The founders of the pro basketball leagues probably decided to have their seasons in the winter, because even though football season was also in the winter, football teams only played once a week... college on Saturday, pros on Sunday... it wasn't until the 70s that Monday night football came along, and after that, Sunday night football in the 80s...

Baseball was incredibly popular during pro basketball's formative years, so it made sense not to try to compete directly with it

Basketball was invented in 1891 by James Naismith for the purposes of giving his students a chance to play an indoor game during the winter months.|||Smilin' Bob, last time I checked, the NHL arenas have better attendance than the NBA.

And our fans aren't bandwagon jumpers...

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